Web design and development do not just happen out of nowhere overnight, they need a thorough analysis of the target market(s), and of the client's needs and expectations in order to identify strategic guidelines and a proper corporate communication to achieve successful performance.
You do not achieve this by blindly following all the latest trends in graphic design and bleeding edge technology but only by choosing every single time the right and most effective tools for the job, those you need if you want to meet your client's goals.
Good web design, from the simplest and smallest website up to a huge portal, requires sitting down with your client with pencil and paper, analyzing and going through all the aspects involved in the project, and managing the creative part in an organic and coordinated way
Web design is a special blend of these 3 ingredients:
To these, you have to add additional services which guide and support the client in their Internet journey.
RWD or Responsive Web Design essentially is a web design technique to build websites that automatically adapt to the viewing device (computer screens with different video resolutions, or mobile devices such as tablet PCs and smartphone or other mobile phone and Smart/Web TV sets). Users won't have to zoom in or out or scroll content that much as they usually would on a traditional website designed exclusively for desktop computers.
Responsive web design offers you the benefits of building only one website instead of one for each device category and/or screen resolution, and thus saving time and money.